Creating Connections After Lambda School

Gabby Vicas
7 min readApr 29, 2021

Over the past several months I’ve been attending an online full-stack development boot camp called Lambda School. I started with absolutely no background in tech to learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node.js, and so much more. The best part about this program is getting to the Labs unit. We work on real-world projects with a group of our peers for a month.

I was fortunate to be placed on a project that directly influenced me: Lambda Alumni Network (LAN). You’re probably wondering, what the hell is LAN? Well, before I get to that let me give you a little bit of background about the company itself.

What Is Lambda School?

Lambda’s Homepage

Lambda School is a coding school that offers several different tracks for people who want to break into the tech field. Their courses include Data Science, Full Stack Web Development, and Backend Development. Unlike most schools, they offer an ISA for people who cannot afford to pay upfront. Naturally, this attracts people from many different backgrounds to pursue their dream careers in tech. If you do the full-time option, the length of each course is 6 months long. Once you complete your chosen course, you graduate and start to look for jobs in your new field. Which leads me back to LAN…

What Is Lambda Alumni Network?



Gabby Vicas

Web Developer | Twitter: @GabbyVicas | GitHub: @gvicas17